It was a crisp, sparkling morning, with our always enthusiastic, knowledgeable group.
A Great Horned Owl sat in a canyon alcove and opened wide its beak. We could see its tongue and red, cavernous mouth. Was this a yawn?
Learn about what is going on with BERT, Hwy 36 wildlife crossings, Lefthand Canyon OHV Area, NoCo Place, COTREX, the North Foothills Bikeway, and the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan.
In late October we took a stroll down Forsythe Canyon, one of several forested drainages just west of Gross Reservoir. The canyon floor glowed with fall color: golden leaves of aspen and box elder, fiery wild rose, clumps of tender blue spruce needles scattered on the ground beneath pine squirrel nest trees.
Enjoy stunning viewing of planets, galaxies, star clusters, and nebulae with community naturalist Dave Sutherland..
NOTE: This program will be offered JUST ONCE on Dec 27, 28, or 29 - the night with the best weather forecast.
Image of Jupiter from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.
Data collected at banding stations have greatly increased our understanding of migratory routes and timings, species’ range limits, average lifespans, and how all these life-history characteristics may be changing over time.
Photo of Meredith showing students a banded bird.